Are you a go-getter?

Coming home from work one evening last week, I felt tired. I had a busy, long day at work thanks to my compressed hours. This gives me a day at home with my toddler, son and the pleasure of collecting my daughter from school. She looks forward to this day, as do I.  I secretly wish I could collect her every day and splash in puddles and kick leaves as we walk home.

As I was on the train, I thought of the number of tasks I wanted to complete that evening. Some were practical and some were personal; my make up business, blog and administration as part of worship ministry.

I wondered what it must be like to lead a more simple life. No offence at all to anyone who does – in fact I am almost envious of those who have more spare time than me. Seriously though, I pondered on my motives for always striving and on why I feel uneasy when I cannot tick a task off of my to do list. In the grand scheme of things life continues as usual, whether I update my business page or not, whether I respond immediately to people who comment on my blog or not.

According to my mother, as a child I wanted to play with everything at nursery and I barely stopped to rest between riding the bike, playing with the sand and water and so forth.

This naturally transferred into my teenage and adult life. I was the organiser of my friends, the one who booked our holidays and arranged our daily itinerary.

I guess being a “go, go, go” person has it’s benefits, you get tasks done and fast but how often do you feel resentful or hard done by?

I choose to take on all that I do for a number of reasons. Some are quite deep rooted and need to be dealt with but I will discuss this at another time. 

How do you view yourself?

Are you happy to be “at this place?”


27 thoughts on “Are you a go-getter?”

  1. I would like to think I am a go getter LOL!
    At the moment in my life, I am learning to create clear boundaries between work and home life.
    I am happy to be at this place BUT not there yet! still learning
    Phoenicia i didnt know you own a make up business . . .
    Is the business on instagram?


  2. Hello Phoenicia
    I am a type of person who is more inclined to have a balance between my professional as well as personal life. That being said, I make sure to stay busy during my work hours so that I can enjoy the leisure hours in peace.


  3. You always provoke me to think, Phoenicia. I am content at the moment. Being laid off from my job (even though I must look for another one) has given me the time to organize and work on my multiple writing projects. Because writing is my favorite thing to do–always–I am happy.

    My challenge, is finding a way to bring in money–any money–with my writing. That pokes at my contentment and makes me uneasy. But like you watching time with your kiddos whirl by, I know that what I have to do is concentrate on all the positives of my current situation and trust that God will bring the right next thing into my path.

    How can I help promote your business? I didn’t know–sorry!–that you had a makeup business. Have you blogged about it and I missed it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rose Mary – thank you for your kind words. Yes, I have a small make up business, Younique. I signed up one year ago and since then have learned so many principles in business.
      I have a website and a Facebook business page. Are you on FB?

      Stick to the writing – the money will come as you have much to offer.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love being an entrepreneur and following my passion. And I feel like I have a much more fulfilling life than I would otherwise. However, I do sometimes envy those who go to work for 40 hours a week and have the rest of their life to play. When I hear someone relaxing all weekend, I get a bit wistful. And while I would never trade their life for mine, I would like more rest than I get. But to me, that is the price you pay for following your passion.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I also appreciate the people who push and are go getters. I am the opposite, I take my time and am often too patient. I often thought this was because of my youth, growing up in a rural area. I learned how to travel and hunt in the woods. To do that, you must be silent and sometimes stand for hours without moving.
    I know at work when I can pick a team member, I choose this one person who is a go getter. We compliment each other. He pushes the project forward, I slow it down, making sure things are done right.
    thanks for sharing this post with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve spent most of my life with a lot of things on the go. It was my choice, but there were times when I needed to step back and say no to things to deal with priorities or recharge. I still have a lot of things on my want-to-do list and pitch in to help where I can, but I am more cautious about committing my time. I’m learning to take things a little slower.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I can ralte to this. I always seem to have a long list of things I need to do but if I really look at the things on that list and ask what would happen if I don’t do them, maybe they don’t all seem so important.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The importance of how we choose to prioritize our time cannot be overstated since it is how we spend the time we are given in this life. As I’ve gotten older, I am much more selective about by commitments. I am also more content and not as restless. I realize that I have already done a great many things with my life and these days I am a bit more inwardly focused which means that when I do participate in things, I am more centered, and able to contribute more fully. Time management is an issue for most of us and it is something around which, as a life transition coach, I have helped many clients. Thank you for your post.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Great observation about yourself, Phoenicia. I was the same way as a kid and as my teens become more independent, I am looking for a simpler life as well. So, I started getting rid of stuff in my home that I don’t use. It’s been really helpful. My home now feels bigger too.


  10. I can certainly relate to your musings Phoenicia! I’ve always been a hard worker and whether it’s a volunteer thing or work I pride myself in giving 110%. Do I ever resent not living a similar life? I used to think about things like that when I worked for someone else, but that all changed when I shifted to life as a solopreneur. I’m still working hard but to grow my own business rather than someone else’s, and I do a much better job of taking care of myself these days because I can take time off when I want and need to rather than when it fits in with someone else’s schedule. So to answer your question, I’m in a good place … still a lot of learning and growing to do, but making progress and that’s a really good feeling!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Phoenicia, I can identify. I was the ‘go-to’ person, the go-getter that got things done but at some point you have to stop and evaluate.You can only do so much and trying to do more than that will lead to negative results, like ill health.
    Do less and enjoy your children now. It truly is amazing how fast time goes and you look back and say, “Gee, I wish I had done that”.


  12. I like to keep busy. I retired for a while and got really tired of being retired. I’m glad you enjoy your life. I imagine we all wish things were a little different at times, like being able to spend more time with our small children.


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