Do you keep your attitude in check?


Winston Churchill quoted:

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”.

Never underestimate the power of a good attitude.

I looked in the Collins Dictionary for definitions of the word attitude. I think it helps to know the meaning before delving further into a subject matter.

1. Your attitude towards something is the way in which you think or feel about it, especially when you show it in the way you behave.

2. If you refer to someone as a person with attitude, you mean they have a striking and individual style of behaviour, especially a forceful or aggressive one.

For the purpose of my blog post, I will focus on attitude influencing the way in which we behave. Our actions speak volumes whether we are aware of this or not. One example of a bad attitude is you are required to complete a task which you would rather not do. You complete the task whilst complaining, grumbling, ignoring others. What is inside always manifests itself therefore whether you verbalise your annoyance or not, others will pick up on it.

Pride plays a huge part in displaying a bad attitude. Pride says I do not wish to do this task and I intend to make you well aware of this. Pride says I am holding onto my bad attitude, therefore I still have an element of control.

I can recall occasions in my life (one being just the other day) where I felt justified in showing I was not happy at having to do housework a job. It may have been a busy period at work or I may have been singled out of a group and wondered, why me? Of course, I am not pleased about this but acknowledging my shortcomings means I am on the road to working on my character.

I read books by American evangalist, Joyce Meyer. She focuses heavily on attitude and uses her own life experiences to encourage others. Joyce is direct and stands as a reminder that I can choose to have a good or bad attitude. I should not blame others for the way in which I act but take responsibility.

A good attitude stands out amongst a crowd. An individual may have great abilities, skills and expertise but without a good attitude, they will only go so far. Even when skills and experience are not up to par, a person with a good attitude and willingness will be set apart from their peers.

How do you maintain a good attitude when you are tired, under pressure or feel others are taking advantage?

Who do you look to for inspiration and encouragement?