Do you work towards your dreams and aspirations daily?


Henry David Thoreau quotes:

“Do not give up on your dreams and aspirations. For if you do, you may exist but you have ceased to live”.

What a powerful quote! 

I believe we have all dreamed and had hopes at one or many stages of our life. However, due to circumstances and life experiences, we may have let them go believing they can never come to pass or worse, that we are somehow undeserving of it. Some dream big, so big that it can be laughable and others dream modestly. I wonder if there are any benefits in dreaming small? Are our dreams not supposed to scare us?

We are responsible for steering our dreams in the right direction.  We need to put in the hard graft – it will not happen any other way.

Perhaps we need to become more knowledgeable in the area we wish to work in, begin to network with like minded people or take up voluntary work. The list really is endless.

Are you willing to do what is required to fulfill your dreams and aspirations? It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day running of our lives and lose sight of the bigger picture.  The bigger picture is what keeps us moving forward when life seems bleak,  when we are no longer fulfilled in our jobs, when we have outgrown relationships, when we see parts of our character that we know need to be changed.

A few questions for you to consider:

1. Where would you like to be in 10-15 years time?

2. What do you need to put in place today to be nearer to your dream tomorrow?

Take the plunge and put pen to paper – you never know where it may lead to.

32 thoughts on “Do you work towards your dreams and aspirations daily?”

  1. Ah what a great question, Phoenicia! Yes, I work on my writing goals daily. I have ever since the winter of 2009 when I ran away from “real life” (see post about being a Grown Up Nanny) and lived with my sister and her accommodating husband for six months. The goal was to finish two chick lit novels, which I did (okay, so they require more revision, but hey–I did it!).

    Morning writing became a habit then and is rarely skipped.

    In being laid off from my day job in September, I’m trying to produce something with my writing right now–contests, magazines, increase my blog subscribers–you get the idea.

    As far as the years down the road. I hope I’m traveling more than ever (like Jeri, the RV thing works for me), earning money writing about it…and mostly I hope I never have to set foot in a corporate America office ever again!


    1. How accommodating of your sister and brother in-law.

      Writing is something I think about throughout the day. I enjoy reading the blogs of others and looking at the different language styles.

      Earning while doing what you enjoy is a blessing.


  2. The question of whether to dream big or small is an interesting one. I think we all tend to say dream big. But big dreams can easily lead to frustration and I think a case can be made for dreaming on a scale that’s achievable.


  3. I remember when I was enamored with Thoreau and vowed not to live a life of quiet desperation… fast forward quite a few years and that’s what happened. Alas, I’m getting out of that rut. In 10-15 years I see myself either living in a tiny house on wheels or maybe traveling and working from an RV. It’s totally possible so long as I keep working at growing my freelance business.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Excellent topic Phoenicia! As to your question – I would say I don’t just work on my goals I’m obsessed by them. In fact i was a bit relieved to read in a Forbes article just yesterday that obsession about one’s dreams is actually a good thing. I do believe however that it’s really obsession+effective action because just obsessing about something without making progress might call for therapy. 🙂


    1. Marquita – glad you enjoyed reading my post. I guess the obsession comes with not wanting to take your eyes off the ball. I like to work on my goals daily otherwise I feel all jittery lol!


  5. Love the Henry David Thoreau quote. I.m not so much working towards future goals – I am 70 after all – as I am in getting the most out of each day by learning something new every day. that Thoreau quote works as well for that as for future goal setting. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Phoenicia, an interesting and thought-provoking post. I know I am guilty of getting caught up in everyday problems and forgetting to keep my eyes on the prize – my goals. Thanks for this reminder about what’s really important.


  7. Hi there Phoenicia,
    I can say I am working on another one of my dreams, building me Wyatt Empire in Retail and being a journalist of sorts.

    I dreamt of being a reporter when I was younger….I worked in media sales when I was a bit older, and now I am a blogger/vlogger. In 10 – 15 years, I hope that others will be writing for me, and I can leave the writing to others who are a lot more talented than me.

    I dreamt of being in fashion when I was younger, I then had one of my first pair jobs selling designer shoes, then I helped build a larger area for Men’s Shoes in Bath’s M&S and now I own an e-commerce Men’s Shoe Shop. In 10-15 years I will have created a Wyatt Shop which will sell all things stunning not just men’s shoes, but men’s clothes accessories, and women’s shoes, clothes and accessories. I shall have at least 10 people working for me, buyers, sellers, web designer, marketing guru and I shall be surrounded by those more talented than me……

    There you go, dreams, past and present, small and large…..achieved and to be achieved, one step at a time.


  8. Great questions! I love that you included an “action” question. When we are told to make a goal, we are told to see where we want to be in the future. But, very rarely, do people ask, what are the steps to get you there? We need to connect a bridge from the present to the future. And the steps are the blocks to make the bridge to get us to where we want to be in the future. Thanks for sharing.


    1. You are welcome Sabrina – thank you for your encouragement! Although I have been blogging for over a year now, I still feel like an amateur at times. Nice to know you admire my writing skills.

      It is always the small steps – small chunks at a time.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Great Thoreau quote! I find it impossible to answer the 10- 15 yr goal as I know that life is going to come in the way, long before then. I prefer to look at smaller goals or for the coming year. One step at a time will get you there, and you will probably find that the journey will change where you want to end up along the way.


  10. I love that quote by Henry David Thoreau. I definitely work on my dreams daily. I’m the type that can’t be happy without doing so. I feel sad when I see people just accepting the status quo when I know they really want something different. I wish they put more emphasis in school on finding a passion and not giving up on it even if you have to do it while doing something else. I think there would be a lot less depression that way.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have the same mindset as you Erica. I had dreams of being a journalist as a teen but had a difficult time at school. My focus was on getting through the day. I stepped away from media for years believing perhaps it was not for me. In the last few years ‘media’ has found me!


  11. Yes I do. And have done for as long as I can remember. However, you need to be really flexible on how you get there because the only thing that’s certain in life is uncertainty. If you don’t let circumstances work in your favour it will be much harder to make your dreams come true.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Great questions to get us really thinking about and moving toward our dreams. I think it is important to actually take time to write down the answers. Although day-to-day life can get in the way of our dreams, sometimes we allow it to do so because deep down we think our dreams are not achievable or we are not worthy of our dreams. Changing that thinking is the first step.


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