What are your key achievements?


Throughout life, we work towards achieving; by way of studying, going for promotion, running a business, participating in a charity run and so on. 

Achievement brings a great sense of satisfaction. One is elated that they have moved to new heights.  It will give you the confidence to aim higher – to head for the top!

From a young age, children are encouraged to work to the best of their ability. In the classroom, children are praised when excelling and encouraged to develop skills when struggling in a subject area. 

I recall leaving secondary school (many years ago!) with a National Record of Achievement (NRA). This folder displays certificates of my achievements throughout the five years. I cannot help but smile when I occasionally browse through my college and university certificates. The five years of post school education impacted on my life greatly. It gave me a sense of hope for my future.  

Your “hoped for” achievements may well be personal, therefore only the people closest to you will know of them.  It is not always advisable to discuss your dreams and goals with all and sundry. Allow your achievements to do all the talking!

Questions to consider when planning towards your lifetime achievements;

1. What are you passionate about? 
What makes you tick? 

2. What have you always wanted to do but were hindered from doing so due to your age, finances or responsibilities?

3. What is your planned retirement age? Do your current pensions/savings plans support this?

4. What adjustments will you need to make to your personal life? 

To round up, working towards your achievements will keep you focused in a world so full of distractions. Nobody can take or own your achievements – they are yours to do as you please. 

What is your key achievement?

24 thoughts on “What are your key achievements?”

  1. I think I have come to the point of seeking smaller achievements, which end up to major goals. It is the point of my career, where I train others, and in doing so pass along the information passed onto me, I hope I can add a little to them. So my achievements now are seeing my students reachjing some of their goals and achievements.


  2. My most personally gratifying achievements were the ones that cost me the most as I set about to achieve them. There are a couple that come to mind and I think most everyone has some of these.


  3. I think about a few of my achievements a lot. One is being my Mother’s only kid to graduate from college. Also another one was my cross country trip.


  4. This blog ties nicely with Marquita’s–that’s fun! My biggest achievements–sometimes I forget about them because my feet keep moving me forward. I have won a couple of things related to writing and thinking about them brings a glow to my face. Would like to win more!


    1. Rose – this is the second time a blogger has pointed out that my blog ties in with someone else’s!

      Congratulations on winning a few competition. It does us good to stop and look back at how far we have come.


  5. I think everyone has their own definition of achievement. To some people, it’s awards and prizes. But for me, I guess it’s being a successful woman auto writer in what is still too often, a male dominated sector. But I’m happy to say, it’s changing. And the fact that I’ve been part of that change, makes me very, very happy.


  6. Achievements can be internal and external, either way one will have a profound influence on the other. I try to first focus on internal achievements, a core value. When I do it ignites my energy to move forward with what I want to achieve externally, such as getting my blog post written, : )


  7. I really like your questions towards your lifetime achievements. I ask questions similar to these each year when I do my business and personal yearly goals. It helps keep me focused on the bigger picture. Thanks for sharing.


  8. Being a woman a very male dominated industry gave me a sense of achievement all the time. I cherished every sales award! Writing and publishing my first book was huge for me,


  9. I think that the achievements I value the most are the things that were most difficult to achieve. So, while I was a very good student, that came easy to me so I value it less. Conversely, when I did the Boston to New York Aids Bike Ride, that was very difficult. It was hard to raise the money, but I did. I trained for the ride in less than 3 months and went from walking my bike home from buying it at the store because I was nervous, to riding 275 miles through busy streets. I also had a huge crash days before the ride (another biker crashed into me from the side), and still achieved doing the whole ride with my legs bandaged. So while I have other achievements, things like that hold special meaning.


  10. My main achievement so far is that I am the only Western woman ever that has held a senior management position in a one hundred percent Saudi owned company in Riyadh. And not just any company but a diversified conglomerate with 10,000 employees.


  11. Well I’m not exactly a kid so it would take awhile to list my achievements, but if I had to share just a couple that stand out it would be a successful career in travel that allowed me to travel all over the world, and publishing my first book. I couldn’t agree more with you Phoenicia about the importance of striving to achieve our dreams and goals, I do believe that our achievements need to be linked to the bigger vision of becoming the person we are meant to be. Until one becomes clear about that, achievements are good but may not necessarily lead us to any meaningful level of life satisfaction. Thanks for the great advice and inspiration!


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