How content are you?






If you are honest there is something you desire in life and for whatever reason you do not yet have this.  Your desire may be unreasonable, not logic or long lived but it can begin to consume you.  Are you able to live, laugh and be happy despite not having this one thing?

Discontentment can make one bitter, resentful and downright joyless.  Discontentment can eat at you and make you a pain and a drain to be around.  Your discontentment may well be justified.  The thing you are after, you may well deserve it as well as waited a long time for it.  Being miserable will not bring it your way any faster but why is it so easy to slip into the ‘woe is me’ role?  Why is it so easy to play the victim and convince yourself you have been dealt a bad hand in life?

I admit to being discontent in several periods of my life, I felt I had the right to be miserable.  Unfortunately my husband and children got the long end of the stick.  Bless them, they had to live with me – day and night and truly deserve a medal.  I was snappy, sharp tongued and always looked so serious.  I rarely recall laughing in these periods and anyone who knows me well can verify that I love to laugh.  It sounds pathetic now but I actually felt if I allowed myself to be happy, I would convince myself I no longer needed what I desired and therefore I would not ever have it.  I cannot get my around my logic at that time!

I came to a point in life when I realised the importance in enjoying the ‘here and now’ and not waiting until I had what I felt I deserved before doing so.  I came to a point where I made the choice to focus on what I did have as oppose to what I did not have.  Something so simple and logic but life altering none the same.  I began to play with the children and truly be present with them.  I began to loosen up and laugh and tease my husband.  Our house was a home of laughter, song and joy not a place where you had to walk on egg shells because someone (I)  woke up on the wrong side of the bed every morning.  This was a major turning point for me and my outlook on life began to change.  I smiled on the outside and was actually happy and glowing inside.  Years gone by my smiles hid a multitude of unhappy feelings.  What I showed on the outside did not mirror what I felt on the inside.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how content are you?

Do you allow your current limitations to affect your joy?

What advice would you give to others who struggle with contentment?

6 thoughts on “How content are you?”

  1. I’m tying with Doreen at an 8 and like you, Phoenicia, it’s because I’m afraid if I am 100% content right now, I won’t keep striving for that other thing I want (to publish novels and essays!). But overall, I am happy. My life is good, my health is good, my family is good. My faith is great. So really, what do I have to whine about?
    I am glad you are smiling more because you have a terrific smile!


  2. In the Bible it says, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am in to be content.” Yeah, there are some things we are not too happy about that we can be content with. For instance, I am a seriously no talent, old, athlete. I was never any good when I was young. Old age gives me a good excuse for it. But, I learned along this journey to enjoy or be content in this journey, if for no other reason than that I am on this journey. I can “count my blessing and name them one by one.” I can “count my blessings and see what God has done.” Yes, what He has done with even me. I smile at that; wish for more talent and more years on this journey, but content in all the blessings I have lived out to count now.

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    1. Thank you for sharing your insight Marvin. As you have stated, the bible teaches about being content when there is lack and when there is abundance.


  3. What an insightful post, Phoenicia. I think what you have said could be true for all of us. I would say my contentment level is at an 8/10. I certainly wish that things came easier to me. But I am grateful for the lessons I am learning along the way, and feel they are making me a better and stronger person.

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