Are you willing to be inconvenienced?

Several weeks ago the water suddenly stopped flowing through our shower head. We were forced to take baths in the time it took for my husband to buy and fix a new shower head. I remember thinking;

“What an inconvenience. A shower takes five minutes in the morning when I wake at 5.30am for work. A bath will mean waking up even earlier”.  

I also complained a little which at the time made me feel better but did not solve the issue at hand.

I am sure you can think of numerous times in which you have been inconvenienced. It brings you out of an area of comfort and may mean putting the needs of others before yourself. It may mean doing the very thing you have been trying to avoid due to fear, lack of time and other challenges.

Often we need to endure for a time in order to reap later. Think of the writer or director who finally finishes their book or box office film. It took years for then to arrive at that point. They worked long hours, probably declined social engagements and spent a lot of time away from family members.  Think of the parent who is tired after a long day at work and their child is updating them on the most trivial aspects of their day. They listen because they care and want to have a close relationship with their child.

The evangelist Joyce Meyer quoted;

“People often want what others have, but are not prepared to do what they did to get it.”

For those of you with dreams and visions, putting plans into place now will mean you are more likely to succeed.  Making the sacrifices now will pay off later. Naturally, it is easier to do what fits into our lifestyle, to do what does not require us to reduce our sleep/social time. Living such a life will only bring mediocrity. Change is required in order for us to progress – it may be a slight change or a major upheaval.

What sacrifices are you making now for later gain?

Perhaps your sacrifices are a life long commitment. 

37 thoughts on “Are you willing to be inconvenienced?”

  1. It’s the best time to make some plans for the future and it is time to be happy.
    I have read this post and if I could I wish to suggest you some interesting things or tips.
    Perhaps you could write next articles referring to this article.
    I want to read even more things about it!


  2. I notice that the word “stress” doesn’t appear in this post. Inconvenience and stress go hand in hand. Admittedly, some people have a very low stress tolerance and try to stay in their comfort zones as often as possible, as is their prerogative, and I have no problem with that. Consider someone who can contentedly work as a janitor for decades. Is such a person “mediocre”? Not in my book.


    1. Andy – there are those who are content with staying in their current job roles. There are those who wish to move on. My blog is directed at those who wish to move on.


  3. I do think it is a matter of priorities. We sacrifice for everything in this world, everything costs something. Reading this post cost something, time I could be doing something else.
    We have to decide the rewards, compared to what it costs.
    In terms of working hard at the cost of spending time with your family; there is an old saying no one on their death bed wishes they spent more time at the office.
    Thanks for sharing this with us.


  4. Easier said than done Phoenicia, having launched a new business I am sacrificing my time going for networking events. Oh my word! It’s hardwork Phoenicia but it has to be done.


  5. Another new view on a subject, Phoenicia. You always tweak my thoughts–thank you. I was gardening this afternoon, which for me means weeding. I love to weed. The hillside has been underway for 6 years. Someone could look at the work involved and think of sacrifice–sore back, time spent doing other things, etc.–but I love the results.
    That’s a really minor comparison to your deep post, but I think you get the idea.
    We all should be willing to put in the work to gain the goal.


  6. Oh, my dear, I live on an Island in the middle of the Pacific and can think of at least a dozen times we had to go extended periods without electricity and / or water, unable to get into town because of roads closed due to storms,etc. Plus I’m a camper and a hiker, so going without basic necessities for days or even a couple of weeks is just part of the adventure.

    Professionally, I once worked for 2 years just to score a piece of business. Another time I worked for a year to get a shot at going through a training program that lasted another 10 months to get a shot (no guarantee) at a better job. And I’m on a similar journey right now. But I don’t consider the work that goes into pursuing a long-term goal a sacrifice. To me, it’s just paying your dues.


    1. Marquita – you view going without electricity and water as an adventure?!!

      Thanks for your positive spin on this. It is all about perspective. We can choose to simply endure or embrace a task.


  7. I really have an “it is what it is” attitude to most things. We live out in the country and power shortages are not at all unusual. When that happens we have no water (our well is on an electric pump) so no flushing toilets, showers, baths, or drinking water, also no lights or working furnace. What we do is keep large containers of water on hand, have kerosene lamps (stinky things) handy and we had a chimney built years ago so we have a woodstove for heat.


    1. You are well prepared Lenie. We can take it for granted that we simply turn on the taps and water will pour out. I think of people in developing countries who walk miles for water, even then it may be dirty.


  8. That Joyce Meyer quote is so telling and so true. Often I am not prepared to pay the price but it feels better to know I’ve made the choice, either way.


  9. Personally don’t like to be inconvenienced, but it’s a part of life we can’t avoid. Good quote about having to make an effort to get something. That great achievements entails a sacrifice is part of Indian culture and there is truth in it and very often that’s how life works.


  10. I sacrifice my evening time to make blog comments! It’s a labor of love though as I’ve met so many interesting people this way. Succeeding at a business online or in the flesh takes a huge amount of time. Luck may play it’s part with some, but there really are no shortcuts.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. a college tutor of mine once said to me “the harder I work the luckier I get'” I’ve found that to be mostly true in work

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Interesting question – what sacrifices are you willing to make now for later gain? I like the Joyce Meyer quote. We need to be prepared to work for things. But when we do and are working towards what is really important to us, it may not feel like that big a sacrifice.


  12. I really like the Joyce Meier quote. Envy is such an easy emotion to fall into but it is true that you don’t see the work when you’re just looking at the results. You have to sacrifice for almost anything great.

    On a side note, the shower in the apartment I lived in a few years ago had to be gutted due to a major pipe leak. Luckily I lived in an apartment that had separate bathtub and shower. It really was an inconvenience to not have that shower so I feel your pain. I tried to remember that people a few generations ago didn’t even have indoor plumbing and that made me feel stronger to withstand the inconvenience.


  13. Great question. I think we all sacrifice at one point or another in our lives. It’s a part of the game of life. We should look at it as what we choose to do over sacrifice. I choose to do this so I can get that. It’s more empowering that way for me at least. Thanks for sharing.


  14. Phoenicia,
    You are so right. We have to make sacrifices to achieve what we want. It can range from waiting in line for a ticket, to working for weeks on a project, to enrolling in classes for years to earn a university degree. I often think also of the sacrifices of soldiers, sailors, and airman who are away from their families and serving in hostile, dangerous places to keep their countries safe. So many people make sacrifices to make it possible for others to live well.



    1. There are selfless people in this world whose passion is to enrich and improve the well being of others. They are willing to step out of their comfort zone. I have the upmost respect for them.


  15. Most people end up giving something up to gain another. For the last couple years we have not had a holiday as we are helping my son with his Uni fees. Once he has his degree we hope to celebrate by going on a holiday.


  16. I do agree with what you’ve said here, but have to admit, it’s easier said than done.. especially during those mornings I’d rather stay cosy in my duvet haha..


  17. I recall my 1st time in China, to work. The apartment was brand new but the toilet did not work, neither did the shower! Luckily I was able to get the key to an apartment still empty and for a week went up and down two flights of stairs to use the washroom. It didn’t occur to me to complain, much to the amazement of my co-workers. It was all part of the adventure, I figured. If it had gone on for more than a week, I might not have been so easy-going about it. I didn’t exactly “choose” it, and it sure did make for a “lifelong memory.”


    1. Ramona – I cannot believe you did not complain about the toilet and shower being out of use. I would have marched to customer services immediately.


  18. I just read Erica’s blog post about healthy eating and thus it occurs to me that one of the things many of us routinely sacrifice is some of the foods that we like that aren’t healthy for us.


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