Four points to consider when working towards your goals

Your goals in life may be personal, family or career orientated. Whatever they are, you should be working on these daily. 

I have a number of goals for my family, career, small business and church ministry. A few are over ambitious but I feel it is important to set goals high. If you aim for 60, you may hit 50/55 whereas if you aim for 100, you may hit 90/95. Big difference!

I love this quote by Don Lancaster;
“Most ‘impossible’ goals can be met simply by breaking them down into bite size chunks, writing them down, believing them and then going full speed ahead as if they were routine.”

This quote resonates with me on so many levels. It reminds me that reaching my goal is simply a process that I must follow consistently and diligently. 

So, the four things to consider;

1. What is your purpose?  What expected outcome are you hoping for? There has to be a reason for setting your goal.  This reason will keep you motivated and focused when tough times come (and they will!)

2. How much are you willing to sacrifice?
Desiring to achieve goals is not enough.
You will need to pursue then daily. You may need to brush up on your skills, read books, network at events. All of which will monopolise on your time. 

3. When do you want to achieve this by?
There has to be a set end date to ensure you meet the deadline. You can then plan the steps you will make to meet it.

4. What impact will this have on your family? It is far better to have the support of your family. Will striving for your goals eat into family time? Communicate with your spouse and children at all times. Balance family life and work/project life. I know this may not be for everyone but I sacrifice a few hours sleep to work on my goals.  I can then focus my time on my children during the day. 

Do you have defined goals?

Do you work towards these on a daily basis?