Reignite your passion!

Reignite your passion!

The other day I reflected on the activities I do and where my real passion lays.  I enjoy encouraging and lifting up others and listening to their life experiences. I have a strong passion for teaching and mentoring whether on a one to one basis or in a group setting.  I am stepping out and developing my “public speaking” skills by taking all opportunities that come my way in sharing my experience and knowledge depending on the setting. 

When I am in discussion and a topic is brought forward that I am passionate about, I work hard to contain my excitement.  I am aware I can be more focused on getting my point across than listening to the other person.  I am bursting to speak – not because I love the sound of my own voice but because the topic touches me personally and brings out various emotions. This runs in my family. My husband has commented on a number of occasions that when my sister and I are deep in discussion, it looks as though we are arguing.  Oh the shame!

Without passion, one will struggle to work in excellence and enthusiasm.  There must be a burning desire within you to make that change, to reach a certain group  of people. It may derive from personal experience (good or bad) or an area of interest you have developed over time. Either way it must exist as this is what will keep you committed and focused when you face challenges and self -doubt. 

It is of course possible for one to have a career they are not highly excited about. On a daily basis, I witness commuters on their way to work with glum faces and that “I would much rather be in my bed” look.  Perhaps they are frustrated with their day to day workload, long hours, long commute, working conditions or the increasing pressures of working.  Changing career may not be feasible for them at present.  It is highly unlikely one would choose a hobby or commit to voluntary work where they have little interest.   This is unpaid work so there would need to be an immediate incentive.

Do not be that person who lives half a life. Do not be that person who fails to discover what sets your heart alive, what gives you a purpose.  Instead discover and nurture your gifts and interests. If you are not in the job of your dreams, identify how you can shape the role you are in.  Shadow an officer who works in a field of interest, implement a new system, offer to assist on a project. Bring passion back into your life!

What is your passion?
Have your passions changed over the years? 
What has contributed to this?


16 thoughts on “Reignite your passion!”

  1. Wow Phoenicia, another awesome post dear 😀
    I am living my passion it has not been easy, and as far as I know it’s is never easy but, you need to push on…get on with the issues and face them. It may take time but will happen Indeed! Amen


  2. You are so very right, Phoenicia, about doing what we are passionate about in life. I postponed my writing in order to earn a living–which I certainly need to do. But that also meant doing part-time the thing that I loved the most. Looking back, I wonder what if I had written full-time and worked part-time? Interesting! We’ll see where I get with my passion, but I can say that I’m the happiest working (at writing) than I have ever been at a day job.


    1. Rose Mary – at times we have to meet our immediate needs which means putting the things we would enjoy aside. I am pleased you are now where you want to be!


  3. I enjoyed teaching, but it wasn’t a passion. My passion has always been writing, but I waffled at writing creative nonfiction under my health took a turn for the worse. Now I know that’s one of my true passions, being able to write in an honest fashion without holding back. I also have a passion for hiking and outdoor pursuits, but I would like to indulge that more.


    1. I too enjoy teaching (as my article states) but not in your typical classroom setting. Rose Mary is definitely one to connect with on hiking and outdoor pursuits!


  4. Beautifully said Phoenicia! Occasionally I hear from someone who is so lost in their life it makes me really sad. They have no purpose, don’t even understand what it means to reach for something better in life. One reader told me, “How can I even hope to become the person I am meant to be when I have no idea who I am now?” Wow! I also enjoy helping people but the truth of life is the best we can hope for is to show others a better way, it’s up to each of us to take the steps and do the work. Thanks for the inspiration!


    1. Thank you Marquita. It is sad when people find no enjoyment from life – they are not living – merely surviving. It as though a light has gone out and they are floating along. Enthusiasm is infectious!


  5. I have had a passion for creative writing ever since I was 5, so for 17 years now and it has always been a dream of mine to publish a novel. I even studied a creative writing course at university despite people looking down at me because I was doing an arts and communication degree or wondering (pretty condescendingly I might add) “what kind of job will you get with that?”. However, while I know it can be difficult pursuing a passion that is more on the creative side, I don’t want to be one of those people who look back in life and wished that they had given it a go. I am going to give it a go now!


    1. Emily – I hope you go on to publish that novel. I too studied an arts based course and cannot remember being asked what job I wanted to attain. At the time I was set on being a journalist. This was almost 20 years ago!


  6. I’m glad that you have a lot of passion. That really is so important. If you’re not passionate, you’re just sleepwalking through life which is no good.


  7. Am very fortunate in the sense that I have always worked with what I’m really interested in. Have hence not had to reignite my passion. Motivate myself to do something I only need to do when I, for some reason, have to do something I’m not interested in.


    1. Fortunate indeed Catarina. There are a number of people not pursuing their dreams for many different reasons, some through no fault of their own.


  8. Hi Phoenicia. I tried leaving a comment last night but I think it disappeared! I am living my passion. The passion is for the world of travel, and I have been fortunate to create work my puts my passion front and centre. I think we have to create the reality that we wish to live.


    1. It is rather annoying when your message disappears in a comment box. Now I tend to copy before sending just in case!

      You are certainly pursuing your passion Doreen – it shows!


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