Love yourself – no apologies!








We should arrive at a point in our life when we are content with who we are today. We may not like everything about ourselves and could decide to take an action to change a particular aspect. However, we must like who we are and accept ourselves. Failing to do so will lead to self hate, insecurities, low self-esteem, self sabotage.  All of which can leave long term scars and greatly affect the way in which we interact with others and view ourselves.

Though I know I am not perfect whether in my ways or my appearance, I am more content with who I am today. There is no such thing as a perfect person but an impressionable, misunderstood teenager would struggle to grasp this as I did. It has taken me an awfully long time to get here but I did.  I recall allowing the words others spoke over me to penetrate into my mind and greatly affect the way I viewed myself. I believed I was not enough as I was and needed to be improved upon. I disliked that I was shy and avoided being in large groups.  I was completely unaware of the term introvert and who I was as an individual.

In order to stay current we all improve on ourselves in one way or another. Whether by appearance, our skills and knowledge. We are all led to a certain extent by society’s standards; what we watch, what we wear, the music we listen to, the books we read. If we feel we are gaining too much weight we can cut back on food and up our exercise. If we want to improve on our IT skills we can sign up to an online course. There is nothing wrong in doing what others have done or are doing. What is wrong is when you lose yourself in this, when you lose who you are and try and model yourself on another person who I might like to add, is not perfect.

It is important to look at our motive for wanting to change. Is it to be accepted and approved by others or is it to be an improved version of ourselves?

Are you content with yourself?
Did this come easy or did you have to work hard at it?

6 thoughts on “Love yourself – no apologies!”

  1. A lot of the time I get a big kick out of myself, but I am far from fully content with myself and I hope I never am. This keeps me humble and keeps me trying to be a better Christian.
    I don’t fluctuate in who I am because of criticism from someone else. But if the person is speaking to me out of love, I will consider what they said. Mostly, I’m pretty much what you see is what you get kind of a person.


  2. Oh man, this is an interesting question. Though I feel very much happy with who I am, I am always always trying to improve myself. Not necessarily because what other people think (although the little voice reminding you of who I am supposed to be is never completely gone) but because I am my biggest critic. I don’t think it is a bad thing.

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